Title I Dinner - October 2022
Title I Dinner - October 2021
Title I Dinner Video
Earle C. Davis Primary hosted its annual Title I dinner for the parents and the children at Gravel Pit Park. The evening includes a short presentation on what the Federal Title I, II, IV programs are and how the North East School District uses the resources. The pizza and salad dinner from St. Joseph's Club is served by the Title I staff. After dinner, the children played on the new playground with Dr. Ritter and Mrs. Komorowski. The Title I reading teachers, Mr. LaFuria (Kindergarten), Mrs. Lindenberger (First grade), and Mrs. Carpin (Second grade), meet with parents and explained what they would be doing to help their children and what parents could do to partner with their teachers to help their children succeed. After dinner and the presentations, maroon and gold cupcakes from Sanders! Every child was given a gift of a pumpkin from Burch Farms.
Title I is a 100% Federally funded supplemental education program that provides financial assistance to local educational agencies to improve educational opportunities for educationally deprived children. Title I programs are designed to help children meet the state content and performance standards in reading, language arts, and mathematics.
Title II, Part A, is a 100% Federally funded supplemental education program that provides financial assistance to improve the skills of teachers and the quality of instruction in core academic subjects in public and private elementary and secondary schools.
Title IV, Part A is to provide all students access to a well-rounded education; to improve school conditions for student learning; and to improve the use of technology to improve the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students.